Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gerber Graduate Puffs Cereal Snack Review

Hello fellow Mommy's and Daddy's! 

Today I have a review for you on Gerber Graduates Puffs.  A good friend of mine has a son just a few months older than mine and after seeing him eat Puffs, I really wanted to get them for my son Andrew.  However, when I went to the store, I saw on the packaging that babies are typically ready for Puffs when they are crawling, which Andrew wasn't.  So I went home empty-handed.  :(  Wouldn't you know, just a few days later, Andrew started crawling, and one of the first things I did was go get a container of Puffs!

There are a variety of flavors: Vanilla, Banana, Sweet Potato, Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry, and we went with the Strawberry Apple flavor.  They are star-shaped little pieces of puffy cereal about the size of my thumb nail.  Despite my excitement for Andrew to try these, I was also quite hesitant, as he has only been having bottles, oatmeal cereal, and pureed fruits/veggies up until this point, and I was concerned he might choke on them.  I put them on Andrew's high chair tray and he grabs them and puts them in his mouth.  He REALLY likes them.  In fact, I only put them out for him one at a time, otherwise he'll end up with three Puffs in one hand trying to get them all in at once.  :)  When they get to his mouth, they dissolve pretty quickly, which eases my concern about choking.  When the puffs get wet, they also get sticky and mushy.  Sometimes I will find sticky, mushy puffs that missed his mouth in the seat of his high chair.  I am one of those moms who likes to try whatever my baby eats, so naturally I popped one in my mouth.  They are pretty good tasting for baby food!  It is a cereal SNACK though, so I definitely don't recommend making a meal out of theses.  VERY surprising to me, the serving size is 77 Puffs, but I have never come close to giving him that many in one sitting. 

These run around $2.00 per container, which I don't think is too terrible, but if you are a Sams Club member, they sell a 6-pack variety of Apple & Banana flavors for $9.98!  Can't beat that deal!  I am looking forward to purchasing some of the other flavors, and would definitely recommend Gerber Graduates Puffs for those of you starting your kiddos on finger foods for the first time!

To see my YouTube video review of Gerber Puffs, please click here.

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